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如何写好一篇新SAT写作文章?首先大家一定要找到SAT考试中所给考题的第二个方框整篇文章的中心思想,一般就在persuade his/her audience that 这一些提示词组的后面,在乐亦思看来把握好SAT写作言皮被里的中心思想,对于接下的来的文章阅读是比较有利铁永翻穿型层的。接着就开始阅读文章。一般情况下在第一遍阅超王掌河子读时就要知道本次SAT写作要我们写什么,我们不用花太多时虽班研客他重须居法间去逐字逐句慢慢品读。所以乐露河考低首停均点去亦思给大家提一个小技巧,那就是在阅读的时候边读边划,划出能让我们记住这个段落主旨的词句。特别是当读到主交附服很能便江题句的时候一定要标记起来,因为整个段落通常围绕主题句展开。不过当有一声些句子很长很复杂的时候,大家就可以直接划出“关键词”就可以啦。不过对“关键词”的选择大家一定易婷娘早呼要有主观性,相信季划矛营探击烈曲钱眼真正懂得阅读的人基本上都可以理解。这样子也便于在第二遍阅读时节省时间。大家在进行SAT写作的第二遍阅读时,对于文章中的论证元素就要进行有效的识别了,论证元素包括:evid急乡迫夜ence,reasoning和stylisti独cand persuasive elements这三个分析方面。乐亦思在这里提醒大家:对于文章中的这些元素一定要清晰了解并做好标记,以防在后面的写作遗漏一些重要内容。如果是关于对所找的文本进行分析,乐亦思晶良建议可以合理使用quote,paraphrase或者是summarize。其中SAT写作部分文章中作者所用到衡尺的修辞手法也是大家要注意的地方。因为分析文章的修辞手法,也就是在分析作者到底用了哪一些方法向读者传达他的主要中心思想。而且这些修辞手法会让文章更加的生动,而且还更工后干非准有队诉容易使读者产生阅读的兴趣普解阻加情愿养排比双呢,更容易感染和煽动读者。在进行分析的时候写作修辞手法的运用分析是少不了的。如果大家已经对文章进行全面的设掌交相例包目孩分析之后,接下来就图供袁认格危环可以开始进行SAT写作了。在这里三立教育要租运提醒大家的是写作这一部分主要涉及到的是写作词汇和写作弊拦梁句式的应用。如果你会使用高级一点的词汇并且能将你所表达的意思具体化,那就也能够提高整篇文章的水平。






雅思考试一般每个月都有,考试安排在周末,一般是周六。 具体可以到雅思的中国官网查询报名。根据不同地区有不同的时间安排。雅思考试每伏裤个月有2-4次,其中A类考试每个月有4次,G类考试每个月有2次,如果想要参加雅思考试,建议提前一个月报名。口语考试可能安排在笔试前一周至笔试后一周的任意一天。口试时间不能按照考生的要求进行预定或更改。雅思考脊磨试的流程如下:1、到达考试中心。2、确认自己的笔试考场号。3、出示准考证,听从考试中心工作人员的指引到候考室候考。4、根据桌卡找到座位后就坐,并核对桌缺野简卡上的个人信息和考试安排。5、当监考人员要求停笔时,请考生马上停笔并放下铅笔和橡皮。6、请按照监考人员指示,按顺序离场。


大多数学生在SAT考试中得不到1500分(满分1600分)甚至更高的分数,而仅仅只能得到1400分(甚至更低),是因为他们没有用正确的方法去了田脸赶甲解和学习标准测试。 许多文风天班则正谓民罪待支翻章反复强调标准化测试的悲哀之处在于,SAT并不是对智力的一种测试,而是对“你准备得有买多好”的一次检测。我们也曾经提到过很多更好的方法来学习(欢迎阅读我关于“学习金字塔”的其他文章),目前亚洲大多数教育机构和中国一样,宣扬将“死记硬背”作为唯一的学习方法。他们用“文化差异”作为借口,声称巴额由车娘举量丝断中国乃至亚洲的学生更适合这种学习方法,我认为这完全是胡说八道,我之前帮助过的各种考培机构客户里的学生就是肥假命待纸台最好的证明,当他们优化学习技巧时,在学习方面会得到更好的表现。 虽然在很多能得到1500+分数的学生当中,从某种意义上来讲,他们确实还是适合死记硬背的学生,但这并不意味着其他学价生根本无法得到1500分。其实事实上,他们已经达到了一个学习瓶颈,而且很可能是因为他们并不适合补习学校所教给他们的现有SAT考试技巧。 西方国家对中国乃至亚洲学生有一因秋等强临转个普遍的误解,就是将中国默认为每个人都是能力非凡的考试者,事实上我相信大多数人在补习班付出巨大的努力,花了无数的时间记忆单词,结果在SAT考试中通常只能得到1350-1450分。特别是在我最熟悉的中国SAT考生中,很多辅导中心的学生们常常拿那些152乐态题群0以上的考试成绩作为“任何人都可以做到”的证据。不过,他们让广大考生忽略的信息就是,如果每个人都能取得1520分以上的成绩,那么SAT考试的”钟形曲线”就没有任何意义了。当然,有许多在SAT马沿振识衣门河法缺族考试得到低分的学生的话,也有助于降低平均的SAT分数,但你同时也要记住,为了提高个人的竞争能力,SAT考试仍然是对自己具有挑战的一门考试。 现效间宣粮如果学生想克服自己的考试瓶颈,他们需要重新调整学习策略并且使用其他学习方法。幸运的是,大多数现有方法在西方已经被广泛使用多年,现在在亚洲和中国开始出现了越来越多的不同类型的互动性讲座(workshop),目的是把它们介绍给当地的学生,而营房息早命资绿这些方法,你在课堂上是无法学习到的。 我坚信一定要先在语言和数学的基础上使用这种方法,因为一旦学生熟悉他们,这种方法就很容易应用感挥它到SAT考试上。陈居财区要虽然一开始可能看不出来,但SAT应该是能量化你自身的英语和数学的基础考试。当然,刚刚那句话的确有争议性,但无括帮黄族行见可争议的是你一定要拥有多种多样的学习技巧,将自己充分武装起来答为包倍史席重,因为不管你怎么努力去记住如何使用某某单词,如果你还要另记4999个其他的单词,你的大脑会很快将这个单词格式化!如果你或你的孩子是神童,例况类距衡了帝口后如我拒绝哈佛邀请的妹妹或者我毕业于耶鲁大学物理博士的哥们儿,当然你可以忽略我刚刚所须意元供息听提到的。 在下一篇文章中,我将介绍一些能突破SAT成绩的非传统方法,我必须解释一下,对于那些已经习惯于学习金字塔甚至是使用“死记硬背”之外的学习方法,面象抓谁跟船如思维导图的人来说,“非常规”这个词可能会有点误导,所以请看我下篇文章的详细内容和解释。——————————以下为Andy老师英文原稿——————————The reason why most students are not getting a 1500 (out of 1600) or even higher on the SAT, and instead are only at the 1400 mark (or even lower), is that they are not using the correct methods of learning standardized test. The sad thing about standardized tests, as many articles have repeatedly reiterated, is that SAT is not so much a test of intelligence, but rather it is a test of“how well you have prepared”. We also have mentioned previously that there are many better ways to learning (refer to my articles on the learning pyramid), and at the moment most education institutes inAsia and Chinapreach rote learning as the only way to learn. They use “cultural differences” as an excuse to claim thatAsian and and Chinesestudents are better suited to this sort of learning methodology, which I think is an absolute load of nonsense having proven to myself that students are much better when they optimize their learning. A lot of thecurrent1500+ students are the ones that actually are suited to the rote learning, but it doesn’t mean the rest of the pack cannot achieve a1500 at all. In fact, they have hit a plateau, and it is most likely because they are not as suited to the existing SAT techniques that are taught at such cram schools. There is a common misconception in the West thatAsian and Chinesestudents are expected to be fantastic “test takers”, in fact I believe most that have been hard-working back atcram schoolsand spend countless days memorizing vocabulary words usually end up in the 1350-1450 range.Especially in China which I’ve the most familiar with, many test prep centers glorify students that are above 1520 and frequently tout them as evidence that anyone can do it. The message that they fail to convey is that if everybody were able to achieve a 1520+ score, then the bell curved SAT wouldn’t make any sense. Of course, you’ve got low-achievers to help drag the average SAT scores down, but remember, in order to become highly competitive, the SAT is still a test against oneself first and foremost. To get over the plateau, they need to reconfigure their learning strategies and use other methods. Fortunately, most of these existing methods have been widespread in the West for years, and now there is a growing influx of workshops that are aimed to introduce them inAsia and China, and these are the sort of ways that are not usually taught in class. However, I’m a firm believer in using such methods in language and mathematics fundamentals first because once students are familiar with them, it is very easy to apply them to taking the SAT, since ultimately, while it may not seem like it, the SAT is supposed to be a test of your English and quantitative basics. Of course, that can be debatable, but what isn’t debatable is the need to have diverse set of learning skills in your arsenal, because no matter how hard you try to memorize how to use the word xxxxx, it will not be retained if you have to memorize another set of 4999 words along with it! If you or your child already were some type of prodigy like my sister who rejected Harvard or my best friend in college who graduated from Yale with a PhD, you wouldn’t be needing this article in the first place. In my next article, I will introduce some unconventional ways to a breakthrough in your SAT scores. The word“unconventional”may be a little misleading to those that are already accustomed to the learning pyramid or even simply learning methods beyond rote memorization such as mind-mapping. Andy的简介: ​ - Multicultural and multilingual: Grew up and lived in a number of countries, American-born Chinese -(Third Culture Kid)多文化和多语言:在多个国家成长和居住;美籍华人-典型第三文化人士(TCK) - Leader in empowering corporate training and recruitment professionals with assessment methodologies and project-based learning andragogy为企业培训和招聘人士提供领先评估体系和游戏化的项目式学习的职场教学法的领袖 - Decade of experience in education and training, and expert in China十年以上的学生教育和企业培训的经验:并被很多本土和国外人士称为“中国通” - Regular community event organizer with expertise in workplace gamification for employees定期社区活动的组织者:游戏化员工体系的主题 - UC Berkeley Alumni Club Ex-Leader and Recruitment Ambassador毕业于世界名校加州伯克利大学并担任校友俱乐部前任负责人和前任招生大使 - Third-party Interviewer for College Admissions美国第三方面试官(很多大学现在需要学生在提交申请书与第三方机构进行面试) - Helped build a number of college admissions counseling departments负责搭建多个海外升学指导中心 - Unlike most “education experts”, personally attended more than a dozen schools growing up and personally went through the AP, IB, British, Singaporean and Hong Kong education systems相比其他所谓的“教育专家”,从小上过十几所学校,亲自体验过AP、IB、英国、新加坡和香港的教育制度 - Recently, created China’s first bilingual entrepreneurial and innovation educational events organization: Center for Youth Business Facilitation 在这一两年间,建立了中国第一个双语创新创业学习的活动平台 : CYBF 创习国际交流中心

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